On February 15, within the sectoral format, the Georgian Green Movement / Friends of the Earth-Georgia organized an online meeting within the framework of the project “Protect the Cleanliness of Georgia”, where the “Municipal Waste Management Report 2020” was presented.
The report was prepared by the Georgian Green Movement / Friends of the Earth-Georgia and presents the monitoring of the implementation of the 5-year waste management plan by the municipalities on their territory.
The main goal of the project is to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and environmental pollution by 2023, promote and popularize environmentally sustainable education and the circular economy (waste-free economy). The main target groups are the Government of Georgia, the business sector and the population of Georgia.
The meeting discussed various issues related to waste management issues, challenges and solutions in the regions. The representatives of the regions talked about the current measures and future plans in terms of waste management in their regions.
Representatives of governmental and non-governmental structures and municipalities participated in the online meeting. Also, Solomon Pavliashvili, Deputy Minister of Environment and Agriculture of Georgia and Khatuna Zaldastanishvili, Program Officer of the Swedish Embassy.